Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Done! (At least for now)

Our latest and greatest news, (as we approach our one year anniversary of becoming a family of seven), is that we are done with chemo! It may not be forever, but we are hopeful. Our little trooper has been bombarded with chemicals, oral meds, scans, x-rays, needles, biopsies, surgeries and more since last June. Poor little guy had only been home for 6 weeks when this whole thing started. We are thrilled. He has been chemo free for about six weeks now and he is doing great. The molluscum is doing odd things on his face, like bleeding and scabbing, but we are hoping that is because it is leaving. I am so excited that his body is getting a break. We will be going to UCSF once a month for his port to be flushed and for them to look at him and make sure he doesn't have an lumps or pain - and everytime it looks good - we are free for another month!


Stephanie said...

Hooray! I pray he never has to have it again.

Julie said...

What great news! I am so happy for you all!

Missy said...

Wonderful news!!!! Glad to hear things are moving along in the right direction!!!

Sandi said...

Hooray! Prayerful that he won't have it again.

Sam's mom said...

wonderful wonderful wonderful news! We are so thrilled and praying this is IT.