So I had to call UCSF and they wanted us to come right in so they could x-ray the spot. I scrambled to get the kids taken care of on a day where we had concert choir, track, swimming and rehearsal to get to. Amani and I headed down to San Francisco.
They sent us to x-ray when we got there. UCSF is a huge teaching hosiptal, yet the x-ray technicians recognize us. We have been in there a lot - and Amani makes an impression everywhere he goes! Amani is the most cooperative patient in all aspects of his treatemnt - x-rays seem to be the exception. He despises being held down and made to keep still. Who can blame him? Needless to say, the x-ray process was long, loud, teary, and exhausting for both of us. We finally got the pictures and went back down to the oncology clinic.
His doctor looked at the x-rays and said there is a lesion, but the tech thinks it was there before and hasn't gotten much bigger. They are not sure why the soft tissue is having such a big reaction. Protocol is to start up another 6 week intensive treatement and a milder treatment for another 3-6 months. She said because we had an appointment next week to get his port flushed, and because the bone didn't seem to be too thin, we could wait another week and see what happens. We will go back in next Tuesday and find out what we are in for, or not in for!
In the end it was better news than I had hoped but I feel so drained and sad. His face is just starting to clear up. His little body has been so slammed for so long. Maybe the week will bring a miracle. we will take all the prayers we can get.
I'm so sorry. Many prayers are headed your way. Hang in there!
((Big Hugs))
Hugs and prayers to you all!!!
Hugs and prayers from me.
Just this morning I was thinking of you. I am amazed by your strength and fortitude through all this. Amani is so amazing. You are amazing. God is amazing.
I will pray for you, please stay strong. Reading your post puts life into perspective. Please give some of your worries up to GOD, it will lift some burden on your mind.
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