Sunday, January 25, 2009

Olivia's Hair

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Today was a hair day. It comes around every two weeks or so, and today was the day. I needed to take out O's current hair-do, wash it, comb it and re-style it. She is not a happy camper. It went SO badly that right now she is in her room laying down to take a break. I love her hair. It has taken about 4 years for it to get to its current length. We are able to do all kinds of fun things with it - but it is labor intensive. Four to five hours per session labor intensive! It is thicker than anything I have ever felt, except for maybe a lamb. As a little girl, we kept it very short. She would look at Avonlea's hair and say she wanted straight long hair. She would put tights or leggings on her head most days to have the feeling of "long hair" down her neck and back. I have learned a lot over the years and my process gets better and better as time goes by, but it's still no fun for her. At the salon is even worse. We've done that a few time and she cried and screamed in the salon. The stylist would tell me this is part of her life and that she better get used to it and toughen up. So now she has her long hair and she is begging to take it all off. She wants to go back to the very short "boy hair" (her words) that she used to have. I am torn because I know how long it takes to grow. I know that she could change her mind. Part of me if very excited at the prospect of making the hair routine so much easier, especially with the baby coming. I feel that it is a bit of a strain on our relationship because I am the hair person. My husband could never do it in a million years, bless his heart. In fact, I have told him if anything ever happened to me he would need to make her a standing appointment at the salon for her so they could keep it up. My older daughter gave it a shot once and lasted about 10 minutes. So I am the evil hair lady so as she screams how mean I am and how she needs to get away from me - it makes me sad. Because she is in a play right now, we signed a contract saying she would not change anything about her appearance until the show closes. So we can't cut it today. In a half hour, I will try again and hope we can get through it and wait another two weeks before we have a hair day again.


Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant ce ai postat.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut chiar e frumos si interesant.Felicitari si sigur am sa mai revin!

Ann said...

Alady at church told me about "latching" have you heard of this? Once the very tiny brades are latched, they never have to be redone, you just relatch any new growth every few months. I have seen it, it is very pretty. This saves her daughter from much crying and the hair lays very nicely.