Sunday, October 12, 2008

About the Video

My 8 year-old Avonlea and my husband made this video when I was in the city with my two youngest last Thursday. They wrote the song together, my daughter sang it and then they made a video that my hubby edited. I think it came out really great! They are already working on project number two which will include little brother and sister. Incidentally, the morning after this video was made, Av woke up sick with stomach cramps and vomiting. I couldn't believe how much dough she consumed while they were filming. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Dan Gurney said...

Hi Hollie,

I just talked with my daughter in NYC (third year of med school) and she saw Av's video on my blog.

It inspired her to make chocolate chip cookies. She made enough to send a care package to her best friend in Boston.

Best of luck on video 2, and be sure to share it with the world. I'm a fan.